ConditionFirst month that partners generated commissions, apply for all products
Benefit Commission of 100% in the first month for all products
ConditionAll current partners
BenefitCommission of 60%/ 70%/ 80% depending on threshold
ConditionAchieved highest brackets in Gold in 3 months consecutively
Benefit- Commission of 100% in first 3 months
- After 3 months, commission of 70%/80%/90% depending on threshold (+10% vs. default commission)
ConditionAchieved highest brackets in Platinum in 3 months consecutively
Benefit- Commission of 100% in first 3 months
- After 3 months, commission of 90% for lifetime
Just 1-touch to join PinePartner
1. RegisterRegister to open new account at Pinetree
2. Log inLog in to the app/web, choose Profile tab, then choose Partnership
3. Send codeSend the referral code to Customers
4. Negotiate feeNegotiate suitable transaction fees with Customers.
Register to be a Partner at PinetreeProactively negotiate transaction fees - Diverse partnership products - Unlimited remuneration
Register now
Terms and Conditions
How to become a Partner participating in Pinetree's Customer development program?
You just need to register for a tax code, then sign a Customer Development Cooperation Contract. The entire process can be done 100% online.
How can Partners track their remuneration?
Pinetree will send a monthly email about the total remuneration Partners receive during the period. At the same time, Partners can track the temporary remuneration updated daily on the page:
How to make referral assignments, fee changes, or referral cancellation requests?
If the Customer creates the request, the referral assignment is conducted immediately.
If the Partner creates the request, Pinetree the referral assignment is conducted after receiving confirmation from the Customer.
When does referral cancellation take effect?
If the Customer creates the request, the request will take effect from the next next working day without confirmation from the Partner.
If the Partner creates the request and is confirmed by the Customer, the referral cancellation takes effect immediately. If the Customer does not confirm, the referral cancellation takes effect from the next working day.
When does the fee change take effect?
The fee change takes effect 1 working day after confirmation from both parties.
How many days apart do fee change requests need to be made?
Fee change requests need to be made 30 days apart.
Can a customer have two different Referrers at the same time?
No, currently a customer can only have one Referrer.