T&C - Conditional Orders in Derivatives Trading - Pinetree Securities

T&C – Conditional Orders in Derivatives Trading


T&C – Conditional Orders in Derivatives Trading

By confirming via electronic means on the website and/or the application software of Pinetree Securities Corporation (“Pinetree”) or other methods accepted by Pinetree from time to time, Customers confirm that they have understood and unconditionally and irrevocably agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

1. A conditional order is one or a set of securities trading orders that satisfy the conditions set by the Customer.

2. The conditional order will be triggered and sent to the trading system of the Stock Exchange after satisfying (i) the conditions set by the Customer when placing the conditional order and (ii) other conditions as stipulated by law and Pinetree’s internal regulations at any given time concerning the receipt, execution, and management of the Customer’s trading orders (if any). The Customer unconditionally accepts all orders arising based on the conditions they have set (including any amended or replacement orders, if any) and the corresponding trading results of those orders.

3. The Customer is solely responsible for the content of the conditional orders they placed, including but not limited to the securities code, order type, long/short position, trigger price, order price, order volume, order expiration date, and other elements as displayed when the Customer places the order and/or as published in the guidelines on Pinetree’s official website or displayed for each type of order.

4. To clarify, the conditional order will not be triggered and/or executed if the Customer does not have sufficient cash, margin assets, and/or open positions in the corresponding securities account and/or does not meet other conditions as prescribed by law and/or Pinetree’s internal regulations at any given time concerning the receipt, execution, and management of the Customer’s trading orders.

5. The conditional order is valid from the time the Customer places the order, as recorded by Pinetree, until the expiration date set by the Customer, but not beyond the maturity date of the derivative securities.

6. Depending on the specific conditions of each order, when the conditional order is partially or fully executed, it may result in one or more changes to the Customer’s portfolio, such as opening a new position, partially closing an existing position, or fully closing an existing position.

7. Pinetree has full discretion in providing the functionality for amending or cancelling part or all of the conditional order after the Customer has placed the order. The Customer may create, amend, or cancel the conditional order through online methods and/or other methods provided by Pinetree from time to time.

8. Conditional orders are a feature provided via an online platform, and thus inherently carry the risks associated with online securities trading, including but not limited to the risk that conditional orders may only be partially executed or not executed in cases where the market price fluctuates rapidly that the system cannot keep pace with the order triggering and/or executing speed, or when orders are halted or cancelled to stabilize the market and protect investors under regulations. For more details about risks related to online securities trading, please visit Pinetree’s official website and application. The Customer hereby agrees to hold Pinetree harmless from all liabilities arising from and/or related to the risks associated with the Customer’s online securities trading.

9. These terms and conditions are an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions of the Securities Trading Account Opening Agreement, and the Derivative Securities Trading Account Opening Agreement agreed between the Customer and Pinetree (“General Terms and Conditions”). Any content not mentioned in these terms and conditions shall be governed by the General Terms and Conditions. Pinetree reserves the right to amend or supplement the terms and conditions related to conditional orders and apply them immediately after amending or supplementing and will notify the Customer as stipulated in the Derivative Securities Trading Account Opening Agreement signed with the Customer.

10. The Customer agrees, irrevocably, to use the electronic method provided by Pinetree to initiate, transmit, receive, accept, and/or agree to these terms and conditions (including any amendments or supplements, if any) and any other notices from Pinetree related to the conditional orders. The Customer confirms that they have fully understood and committed to complying with these terms and conditions as well as any relevant laws and Pinetree’s internal regulations when placing conditional orders.

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