Cash advance service - Pinetree Securities

Cash advance service

Investing with cash advance

Cash advance service


  • Interest rate:
    According to current interest rate provided by the Pinetree at each time.
  • Time when investor can apply for loan:
    The day of T, T+1 of the successful securities sale order.
  • Collateral assets:
    Money generated from successful securities sale that not yet transferred into investor’s account.
  • Loan procedure:
    When the securities selling order is matched, the investor may actively request for cash advance via our online trading channels or come directly to our offices.
  • Loan payment procedure:
    On T+2 day when securities sale of T day is paid to the investor, Pinetree system will automatically collect of debt and loan interest (calculated according to the actual number of loan days) via account of the investor opened at the Pinetree.

Eligible Customers

  • Investor had opened securities trading account at Pinetree.
  • Investor has executed selling orders and its matched but money not yet transferred into investor’s account

Automatic cash advance 

  • The automatic cash advance from sale of securities is the service provided by Pinetree to investor as soon as investor’s selling order matched, according to which the purchasing power of investor will increase proportionally with the total proceeds from the sale after payment of all fees, tax (if any). The investor can use this increased purchasing power to place orders immediately, without making cash advance procedure in the session. The investor will only pay advance fee when orders are matched by using this extra purchasing power.
  • Investors may register the automatic cash advance service on both normal trading account and margin trading account.

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