PineB Trading Policy (Fix, Flex and Growth) - Pinetree Securities

PineB Trading Policy (Fix, Flex and Growth)

PineB Trading Policy (Fix, Flex and Growth)

PineB Fix Policy

1. Promotional interest rate

Preferential Rate by NAV (*)
From 2 billion VND to 5 billion VND0.1%
More than 5 billion VND0.2%

(*) NAV is the customer’s total value of PineB bonds (including Fix, Flex, Growth). Preferential interest rates only apply to PineB Fix products.

2. Interest rate for a transfer request before maturity

TermPenalty Rate

Example: A customer invests 10 million VND in PineB Fix products with a 3M term and 5% yield. He holds it for 2,5 months and then requests a transfer to Pinetree before maturity. The actual yield (assuming fee and tax is 0) will be calculated as follows:

Yield = Face Value * (Yield rate of the term nearest to the actual time of bond holding – Penalty rate of 3M period) * Actual investment days/ 365

The nearest term to the actual time of bond holding (2.5M) is the 2M, assuming the 2M’s yield is 4%

=> Yield = 10 million VND * ( 4%-1.5%) * 75 / 365

Depending on Pinetree’s policy from time to time, Pinetree has the right to accept or not accept customers’ transfer requests before maturity.

3. Minimum period of bond holding days to make a transfer request before maturity

14 days, applicable to all investment periods.

PineB Flex Policy

PineB Flex is a bond designed for both individual and corporate clients who need flexible cash flow.

Depending on market conditions at various points during the bond’s term, Pinetree will decide whether to provide liquidity support for the bonds in the PineB Flex portfolio.

PineB Growth Policy

PineB Growth is suitable for customers with long-term investment needs, holding the bonds until maturity and not selling them. The customers who want to sell before maturity might find partners by themselves or follow the transfer procedure at the Pinetree counter.

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